Instructions for completing this report:
1. Accurately record all income and expenses on the Finance Report Ledger Page(s). Beginning where the last report ended record all income and expenses as they occur. Record using the ledger page(s) (found at this link:Ledger pages) or a separate spreadsheet.
2. Record all income. Account for all income from product programs, financial assistance payments received, money earning projects, donations, fees (dues), etc. Use separate lines for all income and expenses with accurate descriptions of each. (ex. membership dues in, membership dues out.)
3. Record all expenses. Document each expense in detail whether money is spent with troop cash, troop check, or troop debit card. Volunteers should use checks, or cash or any electronic methods to make purchases. Troop debit cards or troop checks should be used whenever possible..
4. Fill in the Troop Finances Summary below. Use the information from the Finance Report Ledger Page(s) to fill in the Troop Finances Summary below. Document all troop inventory, gift cards, unsold cookies, donations made by the troop or in-kind donations received on the Miscellaneous Summary at the end.
5. Complete forms prior to the deadlines. The deadlines are November 10 and May 10. Troops that are notified of eligibility for once-per-year submission are required to turn in a report only on May 10. Allow enough time for both signers to complete the report and it to make it to the appropriate person to meet the deadline!
6. Turn in the entire Troop Finance Report. Attach copies of the ledger pages and bank statements for the period of the report. For May submissions, the period of the report is November 1st-April 30th if twice-per-year submission; or May 1st (of the previous year)-April 30th if once-per-year submission. For November submissions, the period of the report is May 1st-October 31st (and is only required for twice-per-year submissions). Troops with once-per-year submission status are required to submit a report in May of each year.